Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Waking Beauty

I am reading the best book, Waking Beauty by Elyse Friedman. I bought it at a yard sale a few weeks ago and totally judged it by its cover. The main character in the story wakes up one day with a completely different body. She goes from Fat, slovenly, snaggle-toothed, and hook nosed to a knock out blond with model like features. I don't know why I am finding it as page turning as I am, but it is good. Sort of dark English humor and at the same time it sort of makes you believe in fairy tales. Odd mix. Anyway, I am about 3/4 of the way through and just got to the part where the new beauty queen is starting to find trouble with being perfect looking. I am amused.

Tuesdays are busy here, C has camp, I have my gym class, then it is camp pick up and then back to the gym for his Tae Kwon Do class. Recently I had vowed not to use the car as much for these half mile trips, but today it is already 100 degrees - so the car is the winner. The fun side of that is that I had time between C's drop off and my class to read another 50 pages or so of Waking Beauty.

Oh well, tomorrow is a calmer day. I think I am going to load up on goodies for a Vk with a trip to Costco. Hmmm, also I have much blog catching up to do. Oh well - off to the kiddie pool!


Jamie said...

Sounds like a fun day- I vowed to just stay home today...we'll see if I stick with it!

Kim said...

Still having those horrible hot temps are ya? Another VK??? Awesome where you going this time?