Friday, February 17, 2012

IVF ... ??? Again...???

I just signed up for better health insurance through work. IVF is COVERED! Seriously - I'd only have to come up with a few thousand dollars to cover a yearly deductible. Makes the wheels turn my friends. I am a little freaked out, but in a good way. S is all for it ...


Chickenpig said...

Do it! C' know you want to. All the cool bloggers are doing it!

That is exactly I how I got back on the band wagon. My husband got new insurance the covered everything past our deductible for the year, so I basically got in a fresh cycle for like 50 smackers. (The FET to use up our old embryos ate up the deductible). I still have one of three rounds left.

I am OK said...

Oh Chickenpig! I sure hope your April Cycle is still a go. I've been following you - but for some reason can't comment (?) best wishes - and thanks for all your comments - I love them! Jamie

Jamie said...


Becca said...

I am with Jamie..... I would try one more time and we will be praying hard and keeping our fingers crossed!!!!!