Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Doc will see your back side now

The IVF appointments continue. Today was day six in a row, blood work and a sonogram with a side of horrid humiliation. Which went something like this.

Assistant with a nasty case of the morning crankies "Wagner"
Joe " OOOOOH that is us"
Assistant with a nasty case of the morning crankies "Uhhhhuhhh, this way - undress from waist down, there's a sheet." Assistant with nasty case of morning crankies then points to exam room and places a post it with our name on it to the door.
Me " Joe, can you move the chair this side of the room?"
Joe " Yeah, sure"
I proceed to remove sneakers, jeans, and hot pink bikini panties, next I bend over and slide the pile of clothes under the chair but before I can stand up, the new Doc knocks and walks in at the same time.
Doctor with awful timing "You ready? Oh, nooooo, UMMMM, I'll be outside."
Me "Just give me a minute"

Yes, a minute, now instead of seeing the full moon, you can see the oasis of my lady parts while I try not to cry, flinch, or worse; enjoy it as you stab me with a huge probe.

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