Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year With a Bang

There seems to be a strange silence when you know you are so wrong.

Point in case, two days ago I was so angered at Joe that I was short, annoying, and most likely quite a B. He made an appointment for a gastro consult because his liver has been out of control. The appointment is at the end of cycle, and I was so hurt. Granted I knew this was a very important deal, but just couldn't accept the fact that IVF is not always the most important thing in life. Yesterday Joe was complaining of horrible stomach pains. He kept downing loads of Metamucil to no avail. Around four he spiked a fever and we knew it was an infection, off to the ER we went. He was diagnosed with DVT given hours of drip antibiotics and then we were sent home with a plethora of scripts.

So for days before there was this weird silence, if I wasn't fussing about something unimportant I couldn't talk. I didn't want to communicate because I new I was so wrong.

God works in funny ways sometimes. The ER visit was amazing, I mean painful for Joe and all, but in the last two hours C passed out in a chair and we just talked, really talked. Suddenly I am okay with it all. I am ready to move on, go forward with it all. It isn't just me, I am not alone.

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