Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have a new love affair with spray butter. It is creamy, sweet, salty, and has no calories. My commonsense portion of the brain knows it must be hiding something beneath that beautiful yellow and blue curvy bottle, but it just feels so right.

Consequently, I have consumed a larger than normal amount of popcorn in the last two weeks, as well as, floss - lots and lots of floss.

Today I picked a kernel out of my teeth with tweezers because I could not find the "little flossers" I adore so much. Maybe popcorn companies should package the flossers with the kernels - I am just saying.

1 comment:

BrioII said...

If you are in to a sustainable future, take a look at Gripit Floss Holders - They come with their own floss, last a lifetime (don't clog landfills), and can be refilled with floss from local drug and grocery stores.