Friday, January 30, 2009

Are We Done Yet?

At noon I started to get this creeping headache. It moved up the back to my neck and has progressively entered the frontal lobe region. Poor me. As all the extra hormones exit my system from the IVF I am left with killer headaches and am really tired. In fact, for the last week I have been in bed by 9:30 and sleeping until 8:00. It is like PMS to the ninth.

In other news. I may be addicted to my blog, facebook, and email. Upon checking to see if I had any messages, comments, or emails I noticed an extreme amount of notes from me ... So here I sit, blogging, and internally complaining that I have no time to fold the laundry or make my bed. It is 2:08PM. I am pretty sure God is about to stick me with a large fork in the backside.

This fork would not only be for actively procrastinating everything this week, but also for calling the clerk at the commissary a piece of Monkey Shit, and actually meaning it. Those weird thoughts are still clouding my brain. Moreover, this Sunday we also skipped church. We got bad news about the IVF ending on Saturday and just didn't want to face the world. So I have been racking up the hellish points all week.

So here goes, I am made myself some coffee. That should help out the headache, a little caffeine can't hurt. Then I am going to log off this website, X out of my facebook and email accounts, and do something productive. My score with God and Jesus will be settled privately, any readers may want to pray for me because seriously I am still giggling at the idea of calling someone anything that has to do with poop.


Jamie said...

I hear ya girl...I find my house not as clean as usual thanks to all the internet fun...and I hear ya on the other front...we missed church last week & ugh I feel so out of it! Oh, our new puppy has, any advice???? You'd think the people would have at least told us?!?!

I am OK said...

Fleas, yikes, what a pain, I will email you.