Thursday, July 16, 2009

And She Lost It ...

8:30 am - walk C to VBS
9:15 am - get home, start laundry
10:00 am - clean bathroom
10:30 am - fold laundry
10:45 am - leave to pick up C from VBS, go to Subway with friends, & walk home (90 + degrees)
11:35 am - Scream as loud as I could for my child to STOP - he didn't stop and went two steps into the street and almost got hit by a car. He was chasing a rock he threw into the road while aiming at a tree, he missed and almost hit the car in front of the one that almost hit him
11:36 am - walk crying kid to Subway while having a "big talk" about safety and listening the first time
11:40 get to Subway, sit crying kid down on chair with other hot and bothered kids while the grownups get food.
11:55 Kids stop fussing and are eating nicely - too hot to go back outside... so
12:15 pm - take C and friends kids into store to look at toys
12:18 pm - pull hair out
12:20 pm- round up kids go outside
12:22 pm - correct boys for running outside before the group arrived
12:22:30 pm - ask boys to stop playing hide-n-seek in the mulch
12:22:45 pm - get boys out of mulch
12:23 pm - tell C to get back out of mulch
12:23:30 pm- tell C that if I need to talk to him again he will have to hold my hand the entire way home
12:24 pm - C races J, his friend. J is on a bike, C is running. C catches up, C pushes J in the back.
12:24:30 pm - I loose all sense of calm and yell for him "C over here NOW!!" Take deep breath, grab his hand and let him know that we do not push.
12:25 pm - C holds my hand and cries the entire way home while screaming things like "I am the worst boy ever!", "You are never going to love me again!", "You're going to bust me." "I hate this day!", "Please just give me another chance, don't you love me?" and other assorted horrible things. I tired to ignore him - tried - being the operative word. When C screamed "Can't we just talk about it?!" for the 100th time I snapped at him and said "No, there is no need, you pushed your friend and that was mean. If I see it happen again you will be grounded, you are old enough."
12:40 pm - we arrive on our street. C screams "What now, are you going to kill me." The mailman was putting mail in our box, I was going to smile, but I am sure that wasn't appropriate. I just pretended he wasn't there. So I just told C "I love you no matter what, and you are going home and taking a nap.
12:45 pm - the fit continues as we walk in the door, he takes his shoes off and cries all the way to bed.
12:45:30 pm - go in his room and put his blanket over him, kiss him on the head, even though he turned away and say "I love you, have a nice rest"
12:46 pm the screaming gets to be ear piercing
12:45:30 - C passes out.

Please tell me someone out there is having a better day.


Jamie said...

OH Man!!! What a nightmare! Hope you're enjoying some quiet now while C rests! My boys are horrible lately about listening to me and it is incredibly annoying...

Becca said...

Jamie, been there and done that. You know how bad I have lost it in the past, I spanked D the last time. We always feel that we are the only ones and everyone is watching us and judging us, when every parent out there has been there. Throwing rocks and running into the street, D has done it, screaming all those things, D has done it. My Fave......"don't hurt me!!!" as running away from me down a walmart check out. Now C just ignores me, but he has been the well behaved one, pulls his Ipod on and there he annoying.......luv ya