Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

I have a few letters to write. One is to our church, specifically the priest - but for fear of being struck by lighting and driven into the depths of hell, I will put it off a few more days. The second is to the commissary - yet again. I might get to that one tomorrow, but as for today, I am just enjoying the sunshine.

Our yard sale went great. We sold a boat load of stuff and made over 250.00 which is amazing for here - normally a yearly clean out would only bring in 50.00. But this time we had more room and bigger items like our bar (sold for 50.00) a 37" TV (found on curb a month ago, sold for 25.00) and some odd ball tables & chairs. My neighbor, T, had hers at the same time. Our other neighbors to the right moved out about three weeks ago so we were able to span from her corner lot across three driveways and lawns. It looked pretty impressive. We held the sale on Friday & Saturday, but ended up spending all day Thursday outside preparing. It was sort of fun, in a hard work type of way. I am going to miss T, a lot & her kids. The kids were so good. All of them just played in the toys we were selling. On of T's little ones A pretended she was a puppy for hours one day and was perfectly happy to stay in an old dog bed we had for sale. It was so sweet.

On the 15th we can start moving into the new house. Because the W's are coming this Thursday we are going to ask them to help us pack and take our time getting the little stuff over. Tomorrow I have to set up the movers to come, I am hoping I can hire someone for the 24th or somewhere close to that anyway. There is one company that offers you a truck and two day laborers for only 50.00 an hour - but I am sure they are not insured, so We'll have to keep looking.

S is at church this morning. C & I stayed home. I am done with the on base church. Not to say I won't go again before we go because it is nice to say goodbye to people we know, but there is no need to waste my time. There is no sordid story - just facts, arrogance, and cultural differences that interfere with the idea of Sunday Worship. The letter will explain it all - maybe I better get to that one sooner than later...


Jamie said...

Wow, well hopefully you'll find a church to better suit you guys once you move. I know this one has been an issue since the beginning (or so it seems) so I guess it's a good thing you're moving! It's so sad that churches are that way...

That's awesome you made out so well on your garage sale! WTG!

Becca said...

Just the problem I have had with church, finding the right fit and getting past issues. I am really going to get down to business this fall because I have found a realy great church and the ccd director is my friend who babysits the boys, C will finally make his first communion this comming spring! I do not know what problem you are having, I can't wait to read your letter. I will email you, hope you are ok.
luv ya