Thursday, October 21, 2010

Joy to the World

It's happening, earlier and earlier! I heard Christmas music playing in Joanne's Fabric store today! Just so odd. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, it is one of my favorite times of year, but it isn't that time of year yet... I haven't even worn a heavy jacket yet, haven't gone trick-or-treating with C yet, haven't thought about a Thanksgiving day menu or even remotely thought about what tunes I will be listening too.

There were a few unfortunate fashion years when I was kid. (UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR!) During these time my father painted and wired sweatshirts with Christmas trees and blinking lights. My friends thought that my family was so bizarre because we started talking about Christmas on Thanksgiving and donned our blinking sweatshirts. Times have really changed. Christmas gets earlier and earlier, black Friday has become a holiday of sorts, Halloween marks the beginning of a mad rush towards the buying season. I don't necessarily think it is all bad, after all I do love Christmas; but it just seems like a desperate attempt to make me, personally, spend way too much money.

Case in point: I've begun shopping...

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