Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's not you, it's my house!

I feel so out of touch lately. While on VK/ Medical Assistance (ha ha) I actively stayed away from F/B and all my blogging habits. When I came back it seems I have been really busy and just can't seem to get twenty minutes to update all my online commitments. I have started three different posts and not finished them. Don't worry you are not missing anything - I mostly complain about C being sick and it being my in-laws fault and then there is more intentional bitching about life in general. Anyway ....

Today I got dressed in front of the dryer. A continued habit of mine. While sliding on my jeans, that are now a little loose (yeah me), straight from the comforting warmth of the "more dry" cycle I felt this hot, I mean really hot, like freaking burning coals hot spot on my stomach. Ahh yes, I now have a bulls eye looking burn mark on just below my belly button thanks to the button on my jeans being on fire after coming out of the dryer. I never cease to amaze myself.

Also, in the embarrassing segments of my day - yesterday's segment anyway, a friend knocked on the door. Normally I open the door wide and welcome her in. Yesterday however while opening the door I noticed a bra, two pairs of panties - one hot pink the other purple - and pair of C's boxers in the front hall. Mind you C doesn't always get right in there - thus I wash his clothes separately - way way way separately. And since I was in the middle of opening the door when I saw this mess I couldn't shut it and then go move the clothes the dog dragged out of the hampers - so I just sort of stood between the door and my friend. She sort of started to step in and then asked "do you have an egg?" Oh thank the LORD - I DIDN'T!!!!! Could you imagine if I did, I would have had to let her in, and as nonchalantly as possible kick my neon panties and C's crap stained ones as far away as I could; as only a mother could. Needless to say we cleaned the house and I did all the laundry yesterday.


Jamie said...

ROFLOL! Guess its good to be eggless!

Kim said...

Oh how funny. I always get someone knocking on my door too when the house is untidy. OUCH! the button burn must of really hurt. Hope C is feeling better.

Kim said...

Hey it's me again. I made my blog private, Jamie is gonna give me your email address so I can add you as my reader, I didn't want to leave my email address on my blog for you, because I don't have yours and I don't want anyone else getting my email address.