Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am dying. No it is not a tumor, a real death threat, or my mother-in-law, it is the result of fertility drugs. I have over 45 eggs floating around in me still! I am in pain with the tenderness, swelling, feeling full when I am hungry, and irritability, but are all secondary to the idea that something is really wrong. I am calling the nurse this morning.

I last took the Lupron, Menopure, and FSH the day we were canceled, 1/24/08, I would have thought I would have had a period by now. It isn't fair, The retrieval was suppose to me the 25th with a back up date of the 26th. Granted all the eggs are dried and shriveled up by now, but I am in pain. Also I am really moody, and tired. Weather that is related or not, I have no clue.

Last night I went to bed at 10:20. I slept until 7:00 and am still tired. I watched the news for a while, and now and off to play castle ghettoville with C. But really he is whiny - has been for two days - and I am crabby... so, well I would rather take a nap. I am a mess, and it seems as though it is rubbing off on him.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh honey your body probably can't keep up with all the changes! Allow yourself to be crabby...who wouldn't be in your shoes? I'm crabby too if it makes you feel better! HUGS!!!!