Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Old, Shriveled, & My Mother

New readers - this is way too much info I am sure - but what else are blogs for?

Still no period. Still. As in it has been a month since I stopped the fertility drugs and have an abundant amount of eggs just floating around all shriveled up and gross. I just made an appointment for the annual the nurses ordered and am going to get the blood work done today. I read somewhere that your body may absorb unused eggs much like a miscarriage in early pregnancy. In that case, I would assume I wouldn't be in pain. And as you might have guessed I am not a doctor.

In other news, I think I might have turned into my mother. Yesterday I wore a "clean bowling" shirt (as she would call it) and later that night, as I am stripping in front of the washing machine, (a habit of mine) I realize I have on white boring tennis shoes, ripped jeans, a brightly colored shirt, a stained sweatshirt, and as you may have guessed, if you know my Mom, my hair was a white a women's fro. No need to throw it all in the wash, I trashed the sweatshirt and the jeans, shirt went to the goodwill bag, and the sneakers - well they are the best walking shoes I have - so up in my closet they went. If I start talking about the Home Depot at random intervals please just shoot me.


Kim said...

It's been awhile since we talked. So it's kinda new to me. Are you still receiving fertility treatments? I know I shouldn't probably ask. Just reading your blog, I was kinda behind in the news. Well I hope you get to see a DR. I think I heard about absorbing eggs too before. But like you, I'm no Dr. And uncertain of it. Was just wondering, Since you haven't had any period, have you taken a test to see if you were pregnant? Well I hope everything works out for you. Sorry if I came across as rude by asking these questions.

Jamie said...

What's up w/those eggs!!! I hope you get some answers soon! Frustrating! I find myself sounding like my mom all the time. I will hold you accountable to the HD;) I remember you telling me about that before.

I am OK said...

Hey Kim - Ask away - anytime.

We tried IVF in January but our cycle as they call it, was cancled becuase my hormone levels were a mess. We are going to try again in April.

I so wish I was pregrnant, but sadly not the case.