Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh So Important News

Maggy is 91 pounds. That is two pounds over weight according to the vet. I walk her 6 days a week at least a mile sometimes two. She runs around like a maniac in the backyard and loves to chase C. We switched her from puppy food to adult food last month so hopefully that will take her two pounds off. Apparently that is really bad for a dog. I feel a little bad about that, after all I am the one who gives her the last bite of my PBJ at lunch and sneaks her a Ritz when no one is looking.

This morning I walked Maggy around the neighborhood. Our normal loop is iced over and we have had to go another way. It isn't actaully all that great a neighborhood for walking because it has a half circle shaped major road connecting both sides of our perpendicular street. Normally I walk on the outside edge of the entire half circle. Anyway, both are pretty busy. Normally it isn't a problem but it is nicer on the loop rather than going in a neighborhood across the street and walking and running on a bunch of dead end courts. I feel like we just don't go as far.

In other news: Biggest Looser is back. I pretty excited about it. Seems like the teams are pretty diverse and most of them seem nice. On some seasons you see the claws come out in the first episode. Not sure who I am voting for yet, but I did like the green team; the Puerto Rican mother daughter team were a hoot.

My mother and aunt come on Sunday to stay with C for the week. I am so excited. I cannot believe they doing this for us. We fly out on Monday so we will have most of the day Sunday with them. Life is good. Talked to mom last night and she requested Diet Coke (like I'd ever run out), light cream (I have to go to a special store for that - but that is okay), and chicken wings. I think I can handle that. My aunt just wants Diet Pepsi. Easy guests. We are going to have my aunt sleep in the guest room and my mom in our room. The first night she is going to crash on the couch - which she likes because of the big TV. Always room at the inn.

I gained nine pounds the week of Christmas and News Year. Without too much effort I have managed to loose five of those in a week. I must have just had cookie over load. Vegas shouldn't cause too much disruption in that. When ever I have gone I have walked off any buffet delights I've indulged upon. Plus S is doing this Biggest Looser challenge at work that coincides with a pedometer challenge. He somehow ended up in a group that pledged to walk 6 miles a day for a month. He gets in two miles at work just doing his job and runs a mile every morning. That leaves three he'll have to squeeze in. Yowzaaa. In Vegas I am sure I will be roped into the six miles a day. Good Times.

I have discovered I think I use to play on this site pre-kid. Anyway, they have Scrabble and Boggle my absolute favorite games. Although I haven't really seemed to be able to loose on Boggle which takes the fun out of it. Some people even asked me to leave a "room" or "table". I don't chat with anyone accept to say Good Game at the end of a round so I just left. I'll have to check out the site more and see if maybe there is an advanced room or something. In Scrabble there is adavanced rooms which I love becuase if you play the computer they go really fast and use words I have never heard of or seen which is the way I like it. A challenge. Not like I have a ton of time on the computer. Actually I have tried to keep it to 30-45 minutes a day for fun stuff like blogging, F/B, and games. I fail miserably when I get this long winded. Ahhh, I am just so riveting and important. HA!

In semi interesting news: S got notice at work the other day that he needs to start filling out his extension paper work. It is so strange. We only found out in the summer that his extension was granted in his job until Feb 2011. Now he has to start on 2012. It seems so far out. I am so tired of living for the next thing, the next assignment, the next move. I just want to enjoy this one, weather that is realistic or not. I am glad I am not the one filling out the paperwork and channeling it through supervisor after supervisor. Small blessings there. I wish S could just tell me when to pack, I would really be happy if I didn't know all the work it took to get an assignment or stay in one. Just surprise me.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I've recently been playing Scrabble at lexulous with my aunt. Also, do you have it in Scrabble? That's fun too. I miss playing that game w/you!

Have fun in Vegas! That is a lot of walking, wow! And way to go losing all the Christmas weight you gained!