Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And Where Do I Think Money Grows?

Apparently on tress. Although you'd think it came from the faucet because I have been spending it like water.

1. Christmas show tickets
2. Hired a babysitter for Thursday at 8.00/hr
3. RSVP'd to a birthday dinner at the Melting Pot for Thursday - boo-kooo- bucks
4. Bought crap
5. Bought more crap
6. Agreed to drive back to BAFB tomorrow to see friends and Thursday for the BDay dinner.

I might be crazy. Just saying...

Watch - the car will break down.


Kim said...

Indeed money does go fast. Oh no don't say that your car will break down.Bad Jamie, Bad Jamie....lol Every time I say something it usually happens and I think man why did I mention that.

Becca said...

It seems when you spend money...it leads to more money spending! Sometimes you have to let go and have fun..which ofthern involves,you gussed it money! Last month when we went to Fenway I droped $300.00 in one day!!! I so try not to think about it, because that means a bill did not get payed. (and the sox lost that day!)