We have been talking a lot lately about our future. 2011-2012 is sure to be a test. S's contract is up in one year and orders can come anytime. He works with a few individuals who are in the same boat only ahead of him a few months - they haven't yet got orders - so he has somewhat of a gauge. Furthermore our lease is up in August and we are trying to have a baby. However one ball that had been flying around our juggling arena has dropped - I was notified today that I was not selected for the government job I had interviewed for 5 months ago. They sure waited a long time to say "no thanks". This isn't great news but really I am more relieved than anything, now at least S can look for a better assignment without as he says "pigeon holing" himself to this area. So we are open for anything. Plus I am really happy about working at the new hospital. I start on Tuesday. :D
In other news: I won't be blogging much in the up coming weeks. I have opted to give up social internet media for Lent. And yes that would include Facebook. I wonder if I will find I have more free time or just fill it up with other nonsense. LOL - a true experiment. You know because if I am not stalking my friends every thoughts what will I do with my time? Ha, ha.