Friday, June 5, 2009

Since Thursday

  1. Organized linen closet
  2. Washed & Folded more clothes
  3. Washed & Ironed living room curtains
  4. Scrubbed mini blinds in living room - super gross!
  5. Thought about cleaning coat closet - ate cereal instead, 4 bowls - don't ask?
  6. Thought about dusting, got call from neighbor asking us to go to Chuck-e-Cheese
  7. Went to Chuck-e-cheese
  8. Baked Bread
  9. Made Pudding w/ C
  10. Organized candles, seriously I have an addiction! They take up an entire three draw cart / tote thing-y
  11. Read 200 pages of Breaking Dawn. I like it, but there is something so weird about the lust that the main character has - even in my twenties I didn't lust like that!
  12. Watched Spiderman 3 w/ C
  13. Watched Wipeout w/ C, we had recorded it on DVR, even teary eyed you have to laugh at grown-ups falling down.
  14. Did the dishes
  15. Took dog for a walk / run with the family
  16. Bit admins head off when they called to reschedule an appointment
  17. Avoided calling my nurse back, third day in a row
  18. Watched the first Tonight Show w/ Conan - DVR, I am so behind
  19. Showered & cleaned the shower while I was in there - I know, obsessive - and cleaning while naked is oddly not all that uncomfortable when I got out I started cleaning the sink then C came in and was like "mom whaaaatttt are yoouuuuuuuu doinnnnnnng?"
  20. Washed cushion covers on living room chairs, struggled with them to get back on - there is a reason there has been a syrup mark on one of them for months
  21. Replaced all towels w/ new ones that I bought months ago and were still in the bag. Picked out six old ones for camping and put the rest with the Goodwill bins

There is some improvement, yesterday I didn't think at all while I cleaned I just moved aimlessly from one task to another, today at least I was thinking - sort of, anyway. But avoidance is still key.

Mental note: Organize camping stuff, Clean C's bathroom, organize the coat closet, organize the shoe bin by the door, steam clean the carpets - especially the ones in the front hall, give dog bath, catch up on the rest of my DVR shows, C has T-ball tomorrow, By more Tylenol PM, Stop hemorrhaging.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Your last two words brought more tears to my eyes. Love you!