Friday, April 16, 2010

Those 8's Will Fit!

My feet shrunk. How weird is that?

There is no question I am skinnier. I have been dieting on and off for over a year. But - my point - my feet shrunk. I have always worn a 10 or even a 10.5 sometimes in sneakers. Well, my tens are now so big and loose that my feet have been hurting after the gym or walking dog. I bought a new pair of size 9.5 and even they seem a little loose. How strange is that? Today I wore these great flats that I lived in last summer and they were flipping of the back of my foot. Even my heels are sloppy, thanks goodness it is almost summer (80 degrees today) - I can wear those with bare feet which makes them stay on.

So I have these jeans that are an 11. I can button them and zip them, can't exactly bend over in them yet. A few more weeks. I also have a pair of size 8 shorts in the closet - they probably run big - but who cares - they say 8 and by July, I will be sporting them! But for now: my point: Feet smaller - ass same size...


Kim said...

Well good for you for losing all that weight. Maybe you lost a lot of water weight, and maybe you're feet use to be swollen and now w/ water weight gone your feet are smaller too.

Becca said...

I think my feet are getting bigger! Is that bad?