Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just Call Me Kathy

This morning I logged into the computer with hot coffee in hand. I pecked at the keys so I wouldn't have to put the cup down. I swear I really could have used a straight IV, but that is besides the point, as it is just my regular routine and routine complaint. I check email, eBay,, FB, and sometimes my bank account. This morning I was surprised that my bank account had seven-hundred dollars more than it did yesterday. We received a reimbursement from the Air Force for one of S's trips. But the payment, which normally is around five to seven days after his travel, was really delayed. So delayed that I forgot about it and paid his government CC when the bill came in full. So, now we get to keep the money. Granted we have bills to pay, but it sure was nice to see money in there so far after payday.

In other news I told a whopper today. I sold this brand new Columbia purple, pink and blue snow suit on Craig's List and the lady came to pick it up today. I bought the item at a thrift store for five bucks. It was new but didn't have tags. Although when I brought it home I found remnants of a tag. So anyway I list the snowsuit of CL because I couldn't get a really good picture of it for eBay. Blah, Blah, it sells. So the lady comes to the house today, and says "wow this really is new, why didn't you use it." and I say "I have a boy, apparently his grandparents are colorblind". Then we both laugh, I take her twenty bucks and smile all the way to my wallet. What the heck?!?! I might be losing what sanity I have left and completely turning into my mother.


Kim said...

Your definitely a whopper teller. That is funny though. At least you got some pocket money, and hey $700 thats nice pocket change too!

Jamie said...

LOL Hilarious!!! I wish I could make some nice $$.

Becca said...

I love unexpected money....except I don't get it that much!