Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My dog is a dummy. I just got done cleaning up the kitchen. Last night I made spicy, really spicy Sloppy Joe's. (they were amazing) Anyway, I made them in the crock pot and forgot to clean that up. It still had the spoon in it. So today I put the pot to soak and open the dishwasher to shove the spoon in. Maggie runs into the kitchen anytime she hears the dishwasher door. She loves to lick the dirty dishes. I see her coming and tell her, "no, no Maggie, HOT" She licks the spoon anyway. I rinsed it but it was wooden so I knew it would hold onto some to the heat. Well she yelps, backs away and then starts barking at the dishwasher. My dog, the dummy.

But she also is pretty smart sometimes. Yesterday I walked her to the bus stop to wait for C to get home. The bus pulled up and I said "there's C" and she just started getting so excited. Then this morning when it was time to bring C to the bus stop she went and sat right next to the cabinet her leash was in. She wanted to go too. - So cute. But to her dismay I didn't take her, one of the parents complained yesterday that it really isn't allowed because someone might be allergic to dogs. I didn't see that in the rules anywhere. So, maybe I won't bring her in the morning because everyone just stands around waiting but in the afternoon there are no kids running around just a few grown-ups, and I am sure by the end of the week I'll be the only on there.

Speaking of the bus stop. There are a bunch of boys there wearing turban like things. Not like the big white ones I've seen before, these are black and really tight against their skin and there is this big knot on the top where there hair is twisted into it. On kids sister has Henna all over her hands. I don't know what religion or anything that is, but I sure am curious, I have never seen it before. The kids mother was at the bus stop yesterday morning, but not today. I should have asked, but I didn't want to sound like a rube. I tried to look it up on the Internet but got no where fast, turban head, and Indian religions didn't bring up what I thought it would. Dummy - right? LOL


Kim said...

Haha thats funny my puppy just did that the other night too. She licked hot sauce off a plate that Hunny sat down on the floor by his chair. I think she got it up her nose, she was sneezing like crazy. My dog max is the same way, he gets so excited when the boys come home and is the first to greet them. He also knows the sound of our truck coming up the street. His ears perk up and he takes off to the door waiting for one of us. Hmmm I have no clue what kind of religion would wear a hat thing like that. You find out let me know,I'm curious

Becca said...

I wsa told I can not bring my dog with me when I pick the boys up from school. The principal came out and said not only that someone might be allergic, but that people were scared. Scared of a Toy Poodle,okay! But she ate a raw onion the other night and kept farting all night. she will eat anything she can reach, or that D gives her.
If you find out about the religion, let us know, I am curious.

Jamie said...

LOL about turban heads and rube! Oh thanks for the laugh!