Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Either Way, It Will Be A Long Night

Alright, it is official: I cannot be around certain pregnant people or babies. Tonight we went to a 1st birthday party for A, a real cutie. There was a pregnant lady there, she was actually at the Melting Pot two weeks ago too, and I wasn't too fond of her then either, and she was complaining that she hopes "this one is a boy, they are so much easier, and I really want new baby stuff." She has two girls. Normal conversation for some, but not for me. I can't take it. S didn't pick up on it and I didn't tell him. He thought she was nice in her defense she probably is.

Also, I may need to go to the ER. I am not sure. I am trying to keep myself busy and just not think about it. But I am having really bad pains in my upper abdomen and upper back. Horrible pain. I am not really that big of a menstrual cramp type of person, if I have cramps it is just my lower sides and I can pop some Tylenol or Midol and forget about any real issues if need be. But this is killer, I am getting twinges and sever sharp pains. Because of the whole IVF/ Miscarriage deal I am at risk for a whole bunch of extra fun issues including twisted ovaries and Fallopian tube blockages among other things. Plus I never went in and had a sonogram after the miscarriage. So now I am paranoid, and since this is my first real period after the ordeal I am a mess. Its not fair. Other people can endure this crap knowing it is how their body works so they can have children. So what, I just get to pretend?


Kim said...

Oh Jamie,I hope you feel better. I wouldn't put it off very long. IF you are in agony you should go.No normal menstrual cramp should be that bad.I know how you feel about being around pregnant women. That has to be extremely hard, and I know it's just about impossible to avoid them too.

Jamie said...

I can't imagine the pain you go through to be around women like that. Seriously! And the pains you are going through now...how awful. You really should get checked out, even if it does go away. Just to be safe. Love ya!