Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Blood of Christ

An Open Letter to Catholics,

Really? WTF? Swine flu is not carried by the blood of Christ. Swine flue is not carried through the body of Christ. Who voted on this weeks ruling anyway? Certainly not CHRIST! Granted Christ wouldn't ask WTF either... Err.

So, maybe this isn't too clear. At Mass this morning the priest explained that we would not be shaking hands granting each other peace today or sharing the wine. The same wine which Catholics believe is the blood of Christ because in order to be with Jesus after this life you must first be "not of this world" by eating the flesh of Christ and drinking his blood. By taking out the wine we take out an important part of the formula. Not a man made formula either. I am so disgusted - the Swine flu really? We aren't talking black plague or TB, we are talking about a new strain of the flu. I am so not an alarmist. Wash your hands and stop complaining! Thank you to all the alarmists who have taken out my favorite celebration of Sunday Morning.

Thank you to all who are over reacting and creating a mass frenzy over the flu. Thank you to the dioceses of Arlington who made a choice for me that I did not ask for.

But most of all, Thank you Lord for making me a Christian above all else because as you can see the Catholic in me is not amused. Why make the rules just to break them because of a weakness in faith.



PS: Thank you for the hot dogs that followed the really cool reading that replaced Sunday School after Mass. The readings and the message were encouraging, and the hot dogs filling. (but I am still ticked about the wine)


Becca said...

The swine flu scare is getting out of hand. The kids can not shake hands after baseball and kids can not touch at commencments. My friend's 17 year old daughter had her junior prom cencelled, because of swine flu. I can not beleive it has even hit the church like that. As long as you wash your hands and use common sense. Common sense people!

I am OK said...


Jamie said...

Wow. Yes, it is SO out of hand! I hate the hysteria people make of it! Common sense like you said. Duh! Just because some idiots are slobs doesn't mean you should take important aspects out of worshipping THE Savior! Wow, unreal!

Glad you scored on some good 'dogs today! ;)

Kim said...

I agree Amen to that and Jamie's comment