Friday, May 1, 2009


I am having the strangest dreams - all brought on by the pain meds I am sure. Last night I kept dreaming that I was awake and having to do stuff I forgot to do. I also dreamed that I made C sleep in my room while I cleaned his. It was so strange, all so vivid. When I woke up in my own bed and C wasn't there I was a little confused.

Last night, as I posted, we had two little visitors come over. Their parents went to a ball game and I wasn't sure when they would be back, so I put everyone to bed here. Around midnight the parents came back and picked them up. Not that they couldn't of stayed, but since S went to pick them up unexpectedly (the gate they parked next to was closed by the time the game got out) they figured they might as well get them.

Something gross: A wanted to sleep in C's room. Under his twin bed we keep an extra twin mattress just for these occasions. So I pull it out only to find mouse poop all over it. Thank God I had a sheet and a cover on it. The infestation continues. It is just so gross and creepy.

Well, got to go, Iron Man wants to play. In costume and all, I might have to don the hulk mask ... err that thing just doesn't breath. (Yes, I have experience)


Kim said...

I had a dream last night too. I was cooking something and I forgot about it and it started to burn. I was choking in my sleep from smoke, and I woke up to where I felt like I stopped breathing if that makes sense, then I couldn't stop coughing once I woke up because of a tickle in my throat. I for real thought I get breathing in my sleep for a second, I was so scared when I woke up.

Jamie said...

ew on the mouse. funny dreams!