Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just an FYI

I took another home test - and it too was positive.

Also, C found one of the sticks and asked if he could use it as a gun. I told him it wasn't a good idea because I peed on it. He just gave me the strangest look. So, we told him about maybe having a baby in my stomach. He kind of had a clue because of all the doctors appointments anyway, so we figured we'd clue him in on the whole deal. He is pretty excited and has given me a list of boy names:

Bruce Wayne
Logan Wolverine
Tony Stark

HMMMM, I sense a theme. After he gave me his list he asked "mommy, are the eggs going to hatch and then the baby will walk out of your tummy?" Just when we thought he might understand how the whole process works - LOL.


Kim said...

Oh how cute. Those sound like names little boys would give. That is just to funny he asked if the eggs would hatch and the baby walk out of your stomach. So when will they actually give you the blood test results? So excited to hear another HPT was + Looking good my dear friend : )

Jamie said...

I must admit I do like the name Anikan! C is so funny! The things kids could up with! How cute! So excited for you guys!!!

Becca said...

I am so getting excited for you guys!!!!!!
I am walking around with my fingers crossed. I too like the name Anikan, you should really consider it! lol Look, my son is named after Dale Earnhardt. So happy my dear friend!!!!