Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Open Letter to the Bolling Clinic

To Whom It May Concern,

On Monday, May 11, 2009 I placed a call to your facility and inquired about beta pregnancy testing. I explained that I needed to have my blood drawn on Wednesday and asked if the Bolling Air Force Base clinic could preform this test. I was assured that there would be no problem and told to come in before noon, because that was my best chance at getting same day results.

This morning, May 13, 2009, at 9:15 I arrived at the laboratory and signed in. After a lengthy 45 minute wait my name was called. I handed the tech my written order and explained that it is an out of the ordinary request and will not be in the system. He proceeds to look in the system. He then says, "wow they have ordered everything else under the sun for you." and I reply "yes, but not the beta test, that is why I hand carried the order, Walter Reed Army Medical will not order this, we need to have the results faxed to them." He responds by grabbing a supervisor that was walking by. I explain to her that this is for the IVF program and will not be in the system. She looks anyway. Then makes an executive decision to have the tech draw the blood while she has one of the clinic MD's put the order in for us - to save time. I would like to commend this person on their ability to handle any situation and take charge. I appreciated the way she handled it, and was pleased that she was able to get the job done.

By now the time is past 10:00 and I am back in the waiting room. The supervisor needed to bring back a copy of my order because if everything is positive I'll need to go back on Friday to have the test done again. When she brings me my order she explains that Bolling doesn't do this test and it has to be sent off and will be available maybe Monday or Tuesday.

Now, as you are aware I called the laboratory just a few days before my test to make sure they could complete the test for me. As, you can imagine I was really upset by the news. I would like to take this opportunity to explain to you that you now owe me $13.65. That is the cost of a box of EPT pregnancy tests. I walked to the Base Exchange immediately after I left the clinic to purchase them.

Once, home I peed on the stick and it came back with a plus sign. I will continue to pee on multiple sticks until the results come back from your office. If I feel the need to purchase a new box of EPT tests, I will send you a second bill.

Thank you and have a great day,
A Positive Tester

Dear Friends,

Don't get too excited. WRAM makes me do a second test to make sure it isn't a chemical pregnancy, meaning there is still HCG in my system from the shot and the embryo's didn't really implant. So the positive test, might still be a no go. But I tell you, I have never had a positive sign, and believe me when I say that after ten years of being married I pretty much should have owned stock in the First Response and EPT companies. LOL - But really - get excited - and praise GOD.

Love you all so much!


Jamie said...

OK now that I talked to you via phone I can say my congratulations on here. I'm still crying and tearing up about it. I am SOOOO super excited for you guys! I only wish I were there to give you a big hug and then to go 'through' the pregnancy with you. Go CELEBRATE LIFE!!!!

Kim said...

YEAH!!!!!!Super excited for you. Keep Peeing on those sticks and let us know each Now I'm gonna be attached to the computer to keep checking up on Yeah,go celebrate.Love YA!