Saturday, April 18, 2009


I had a yard sale today. It went great - perfect weather - a decent amount of customers for such a small base - and my neighbor T was having hers too so we just BS'd while there were no customers - and traded kid toys (ha, ha) Also, I managed to complete the sale, with no flashing, no embarrassing comments, no tripping, no falling, no unzipped fly, and no crazy hole in the crotch of my pants (like last time I had a yard sale!)

So you know - things were good. Also at the end of the sale I was loading all the left overs into my car to donate to Goodwill and this guy kept coming up and shopping and I was really giving stuff away, a box of dishes for a quarter, a lamp for fifty cents - I figured it was less I had to jam into the back of a Jetta. So the guy was wearing a Yankee's T and I had on a Red Sox T, so I say to him - "Now I know you cannot live with out these two Red Sox bats." and to my amazement he was like - "yeah, how much?" And he bought them! That might be the best fifty cents I made all day. Turned someone over from the dark side - I did.

After the sale we went out to lunch and then tonight we got a sitter and S and I went out. We saw Jamie Kennedy at the Drafthouse. It was really good. Although I liked one of the openers better then Kennedy - which surprised me because I really like him - but he seemed high - and really tired - it took him a while to get going. Also, he told a lot of race jokes and sex jokes. It was like an easy mark, no intellect needed. Now, certainly I laughed, and enjoyed myself - after all the guy is hysterical. Normally the sex jokes don't do it for me, but when the comic gets into position to tell the joke you just have to laugh out loud.

IVF update: I started the stimulants yesterday - although I wasn't paying attention and now have to take them at 12: 00 and 12: 00. Errr, midnight - really - what was I doing that was so important? Who knows. You have to take them 12 hours apart and there are all these warnings on the print outs to take them at the exact time. I am going to have to set my alarm at night. Normally I stay up really late but when I have to getup at five for the appointments - midnight seems really late. Oh well, such is life. It is only for ten to fifteen days - I'll manage.


Jamie said...

Glad your sale went well, and with no flashes at that;) It's always nice when a neighbor has a sale too...makes the time go quicker. AND lunch out AND a babysitter and a night out! Wow! Did you find a new sitter or have your friend watch C? Gosh, I hope you manage to get up at midnight every night!!! I'm praying for you!

Kim said...

Glad you GS went good. I love GS. How funny that guy in a Yankee shirt bought Red Sox hats. Is he a trader or what? Sounds like you had a all around good day.