Friday, April 3, 2009

Something Old, Something New,Something Borrowed?

Just for the record, I am still ticked at him. Yesterday I touched on the subject, trying to be honest - but it came out as me being a bitch. I wanted to approach the subject later, but lost my nerve. I don't want to fight, I don't want to compromise, I just want to sleep well without all the stress. I want to go to bed and know I have nothing horrible pressing on my mind. It's not that we aren't moving, it is that we are waiting, still. As always just waiting for the next puzzle piece. He'd hate that description, poor guy, I must be impossible. Okay okay, there must be something more cheery!

In other news. I have reconnected with an old friend, R. What is funny is that she really wasn't my friend, she was S's growing up. She married a family friend's son and then through the years we've gotten to know each other a little. But really, not all that much, until recently. She emailed me, and we've been corresponding over F/B for a few weeks. What is funny is that I totally feel connected to her. I want to hear more about her sons, her struggles, her good times. It seems she is in a similar boat as to me and some of my friends, we've all been married a decade or so, and facing waters we haven't learned to navigate yet. Add some children, in-laws, our parents, Catholic Guilt, Christian stumbling blocks, and a lot of love for our families and we'd all make one great Hallmark Channel drama.

And now something funny:

A conversation with C this morning.

C "Mom, I am going to interview you for my news report."

Me "Great, what do you want to know?"

C "Well, uhh what is your favorite part about Maggie?" (Maggie is the dog)

Me "I like her happy faces."

C "Hmmm, well good. Now what is your favorite body part of Maggie?"

Me " I like her tail when she wags it."

C "yeah but sometimes she gets poop on it."

Me "No she doesn't."

C "Yeah she does because she smells like it sometimes and I think she thinks her tail is like toilet paper and she wipes her butt with her tail and then she licks it and then...."

Me "Alright that is enough, what is your next question?"

C"Okay, what is your favorite body part?"

Me "hmmm, my legs because they take me places."

C"And which legs do you like best?"

Me "What?"

C "Do you like your new legs better or your old more fatter ones?"

Me " Can I hear your news report now?"

C "You can check it out on C*****.com, can I have a snack now?"


Jamie said...

LOL C cracks me up! That's so funny about her poopy tail and toilet paper!

I'm so glad you've reconnected with a friend! That's cool. It's also sad that so many of us seem to be going through similiar struggles...but this too shall pass, right? I sure hope so!

So does S not know you have a blog that you can so freely complain? I wish I could talk about my issues on my blog! lol

Hope you have a good weekend dear!

Kim said...

Oh how hiliarious. He sounds like a little character. Wish I could meet him. That's cool you met up w/ an old friend. I seen you saw I joined face book. Not sure if I really like it. We'll see though. Take care!