Saturday, April 11, 2009

Elbows all Around

Something funny to start: Last night we wanted to go out to dinner. We decided on brick oven pizza. It was Friday during Lent so we didn't want to eat meat, which lead us to a more expensive pizza choice at the Macaroni Grill. So we arrive and C and S go to wash hands. Since we knew what we wanted I didn't even look at the menu. I told the waitress we wanted a large cheese pizza. She looked at me really weird, but then smiled and said "I'll bring you the bread". When the boys got back C pulled out a deck of cards he had smuggled in, so we all started playing go fish.

The bread came, our drinks came, and the cards were getting matched up. We were having a really nice time and then another waiter brought over a small pizza about the size of a large dinner plate. We just kind of looked at each other and smiled and the waiter just kind of stared at us, as if to say - "didn't you order anything else?" So I just piped up with "would you mind bringing us some plates and more bread?"

So we finish our game, divide up the pizza, and laugh as we enjoy a second loaf of their bread. We also joke that we are going to McDonald's for ice cream later. Then the bill comes. A whopping twelve bucks and my soda was 2.75! LOL - I accidentally ordered the personal pizza for all three of us. No wonder the waitress at the start and the delivery guy waiter were giving me weird looks. I checked back on their menu and it clearly said serves one.

Only me right? Well the fun didn't stop there, it continued today. In the pouring rain we took C to a "fan-fest" at the Maryland Blue Crabs. (an independent baseball team we like) They were suppose to have seven bounce houses, free food, an Easter Egg hunt and a bunch of other things. We knew it was pouring, but we figured their website would have said if it was totally canceled, and it didn't. So we headed over. The team modified the events to fit under the overhangs of the snack bars, so seven bounce houses turned into two and the free food turned out to be only ice cream - I haven't had ice cream in ages because I have been dieting - yet I had it three times this week LOL - I almost made it to Easter! Anyway, C had a blast. He loved this one bounce house that was a maze.

The maze was crowded for a while and the bigger kids were really being rude. One of them even jumped on C, not exactly on purpose but he wasn't being very observant either. Another time a really big kid (way too much Xbox and Oreos) was sitting on top of this wall the kids had to use a rope to get over. The Xbox kid was totally blocking the way. C yelled out "hey kid, excuse us we want to go through." Another kid yelled over "MOVE" C waited a few seconds and then just went for it. He climbed the wall and oh so gently elbowed the kid in the ass. The kid tumbled down the wall and C just starting laughing. I pretended not to notice. - hey my kid has to win a fight on his own once in a while.

We actually had a blast watching him navigate through the maze. We didn't hang around for the egg hunt, in the end it was just raining too hard and we were antsy to do something else. So we went to the Mall and walked around for awhile and then headed out to lunch. It was a great day. When we got home we watched the Sox on Fox - it is nice to be able to see a few games here and there. They won and now the boys are celebrating by playing Star Wars in the Den.

Well, the Easter Bunny is calling. Gotta dig out the basket and fill it up. Hmmm, now that I think about it I better iron something for tomorrow. - such the procrastinator.

Really I have a lot more to babble about - for example the IVF is not going well. I am really sick from the drugs this time. Also, I must write an open letter to the BX concerning my last shopping experience there. But ... Sometimes life is more fun when you just focus on the good stuff.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

sorry to hear the meds are still making you sick. how miserable. glad you made the most of your rainy day!